Amplify Your Voice

Build Credibility

Activate your Team

Be Awesome

What we offer

Amplify Your Voice & Build Credibility

Use human-first strategy to identify and amplify your brand voice to build credibility within your industry. We strategize with your team to develop digital content like podcasts, social media content and other creative ways to engage with your target audience.

Transformations & Workshops

Build team unity and direction through tailored workshops and follow-up coaching, using techniques like design thinking, human centered design, and agile practices. Participants will learn how to creatively identify problems and build solutions cohesively.

Team Building & Training

Activate your team with organizational design and process development to highlight gaps and strengths of existing or new teams. Trainings are adapted from Lego SeriousPlay, Disney Leadership Program, Agile Scrum, Lean Startup, various Design Thinking strategies and more.

Activated Partners

“They make my life easy. They take my ideas and implement them with ease. The work they have done for us at Defense Unicorns through amplifying our brand and launching the podcast has created 10 times the conversations for our business and partners. Not only are they incredibly hardworking and brilliant, but they have a ton of experience that I leverage literally daily.”

Rob Slaughter - CEO of Defense Unicorns, a Software Startup

“We realized our voice and image had been reduced so much that we looked like everyone else in our industry. DenLyn iteratively positioned our brand in our desired market. They were integral in launching our podcast, so much that Matt trained our team to be comfortable on camera and find the right flow. Lindy helped us discover our ideal content strategy and we don’t publish content without her input. I highly recommend them to anyone wanting to amplify your brand.”

Graham Denoyer - CEO of Collaborli

“I highly recommend Matt and his team for design thinking workshops. They facilitated an impressive session for us in the Catalyst Campus Ogden Accelerator and was instrumental as us cohort members prep for our pitch day in July. Not only did Matt keep us on track (no easy feat), but he also encouraged collaboration underscored by trust and creativity. I hope we get another experience with you in the near future!”

Emma Przybyslawski - CEO & Co-Founder of DARE Venture Group

“They showed that with the right mindset, attitude, and some useful techniques you don't have to spend hours in useless meetings. I watched Matt command a room full of leaders to parse out problems and identify actionable solutions in a prioritized list and roadmap. I wish Matt could facilitate all my program planning or strategic planning meetings. He embodies his "BeAwesome" philosophy.”

Ryan Bishop - U.S Air Force 559 Software Engineering Group

U.S. Navy | U.S. Air Force | U.S Space Force | U.S. Marine Corps | Red Hat | Defense Unicorns | Capital Factory | Softrams | Collaborli | Boone Group | Colin Garrett Racing | 11/11 Veteran Project | Motivf | Voltage Control | Charleston Defense Contractor Association | US Special Operations Command | Catalyst Campus | Association of Marine Corps Logistics | ATI | Lindy Denny Media | Custom Home Builders | Home Builders Associations | Red Team This | DARE Venture Group


Matt and Lindy founded this company to help people and organizations find or amplify their voice, build credibility in their niche, activate your team with our organizational design experts and of course Be Awesome.

We personally provide brand building, relationship access, agile process improvement and team building structure advising to clients. We have worked within the government and defense space for 15+ years and on top of supporting that community, we also specialize in startups, small businesses and in empowering businesses to reach their full potential.

Co-Founder & Chief Awesome Officer

Matthew Denny


Lindy Denny


CO-founder & Brand Strategist

* DenLyn Group is a disabled veteran and female owned small business.

Let’s Move forward Together

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